COVID-19 Policies
The Atlanta Suzuki Institute has developed the following policies under guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the the UGA Preventative Measures Advisory Board (a panel made up of top medical and workplace safety experts) to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 at the Atlanta Suzuki Institute. ASI Staff will continue to monitor the status of the COVID-19 pandemic in our local community and may make adjustments to this policy as appropriate. We expect all students, parents, accompanying family members, faculty, and staff (hereafter referred to as "participants") to abide by the following guidelines.
Vaccinations against COVID-19 are strongly recommended, but not required in order to attend the Atlanta Suzuki Institute. A negative test result will also not be required in order to attend the Atlanta Suzuki Institute. Participants are asked to consider the health and safety of ALL at the Institute by following these CDC guidelines if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, test positive for COVID-19, or think they may have been exposed to someone who has tested positive with COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to attending ASI.
Possible symptoms of COVID-19 are:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscles or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This list is taken directly from the CDC website and does not include all possible symptoms.
Participants who exhibit any of the above symptoms may be asked to isolate until negative test results are received from a COVID-19 PCR test or until the sufficient isolation period has passed, per CDC guidelines. ASI Staff will assist with finding local testing sites. Participants will be responsible for all costs associated with the test, including transportation to and from the testing site, and the test itself. A negative test result will be required for the participant to resume participation in Institute activities.
Air purifiers, hand sanitizer, and surface sanitizing wipes are provided in all Hugh Hodgson School of Music hallways and classrooms. Participants should use these mitigation strategies liberally.
UGA has ensured that all custodial staff have been trained on more stringent cleaning standards, with particular attention to common areas, restrooms, and high-touch surfaces on a routine basis. In addition, they have been trained on personal safety measures and are using CDC-recommended and EPA-certified cleaning practices and disinfectants, which will be accelerated as needed before events of any size.
Participants have the option to purchase a meal plan, through which all meals will be provided by UGA Dining Services. These dining commons are large with open floor plans, high ceilings, multiple rooms, and space between tables. According to UGA Dining Services policy, meals MAY NOT be taken out of the dining commons to be eaten outside. Participants who may be uncomfortable with dining indoors in a large cafeteria-style environment at this time (or for any other reason) may choose to make their own off-campus dining arrangements and decline the meal plan option upon registration for the institute.
In the event a participant needs to isolate who is on the meal plan, ASI Staff will assist with boxed meal delivery from UGA Dining Services. Any additional charges for these types of meals will be charged to the participant.
Participants have the option to stay on campus in facilities provided by UGA Housing. Participants who may be uncomfortable living in a dorm setting at this time (or for any other reason) may choose to make their own off-campus housing arrangements (there are a number of hotel and Airbnb options near campus) and decline the on-campus housing option upon registration for the institute.
Mitigation Strategy Decisions
ASI will operate cautiously within the tiered mitigation system below. All decisions regarding which tier is appropriate will be made following consideration of local Department of Public Heath recommendations, public health information from other geographic regions from which participants are arriving, vaccination status of participants, and size of Institute classes.
By June 1, ASI will determine the tier under which to operate for the Institute, post that decision on this ASI COVID-19 policies page, and email that decision and policy to all participants of the Institute. The expectation is that all participants will abide by the policies of the selected tier. Not abiding by the selected policies may result in a participant being released from the Institute. Please read through the tier descriptions below to be sure you are willing to comply with all possible scenarios.
Should circumstances change suddenly, ASI reserves the right to move to a different mitigation tier between June 1 and June 21, but will only do so in what we deem a sudden emergency situation.
Mitigation Strategy Tiers
Green Tier
This is our most relaxed tier. Masks are optional for all participants at all times. Participants will not be physically distanced in classes. Distancing will not be required in performance halls and other indoor spaces. Air purifiers will remain in use in all Hugh Hodgson School of Music classrooms. Air exchange/ventilation time will not be added between classes.
Yellow Tier
Masks are recommended and requested for all participants, but not required. Participants will not be physically distanced in classes. Distancing will not be required in performance halls and other indoor spaces. Air purifiers will remain in use in all Hugh Hodgson School of Music classrooms. Air exchange/ventilation time will not be added between classes.
Orange Tier
Masks are required for all participants in all indoor public spaces, including classrooms, hallways, dorm and dining hall common areas (except when actively eating or drinking), etc. Masks will not be required in individual dorm rooms. Participants may be physically distanced in classes, when possible. Distancing may also be required in performance halls and other indoor spaces. Air purifiers will remain in use in all Hugh Hodgson School of Music classrooms. Air exchange/ventilation time may be added between classes.
Red Tier
Masks are required for all participants in all public spaces, including classrooms, hallways, dorm and dining hall common areas (except when actively eating or drinking). Masks will not be required in individual dorm rooms. Participants will be physically distanced in classes, when possible. Distancing will be required in performance halls and other indoor spaces. Air purifiers will remain in use in all Hugh Hodgson School of Music classrooms. Air exchange/ventilation time will be added between classes. Some classes may be held outside. Due to space and time constraints produced in this tier, some Institute elective classes may be cancelled. In that event, full refunds for those classes will be given.
ALL final balances must be paid in full by May 1. Any unpaid balances after this date will accrue a $50 late fee. Due to commitments to faculty and travel plans, full refunds (less the non-refundable registration fee, are available up to May 1. Applicants who withdraw after May 1, will forfeit all fees. If you register after May 1, and decide to cancel your registration, all fees are forfeited.
There will be no refunds for early dorm check-out or unused portions of the meal plan. There will be no refunds for participants who cannot attend due to COVID-19 travel restrictions or infection, but participants may have the option to receive a credit toward participation at next year's Atlanta Suzuki Institute. This refund policy applies regardless of how COVID-19 directives might change.
Due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the unlikely event that Atlanta Suzuki Institute events are cancelled by the ASI administration, ALL registration and course fees will be refunded in full. The Atlanta Suzuki Institute is not responsible for the cost of any travel arrangements should events be cancelled.